Sunday 18 June 2023

Someone asked me 

What is the meaning of life?

I said

Life itself has has no meaning, life is an opportunity to create a meaning.


Friday 16 June 2023

Life is all about adjustment between your feeling and reality. There are so many situations in your life where you have to quit your feelings and accept the reality.


Life is like a novel and every day is a page. If one page is sad next will be happy. So don't worry turn the page and enjoy life.


Wednesday 14 June 2023

When life gives you a hundred reasons to CRY,

 Show life that you have a thousand reasons to SMILE.

Life is so happiest when you remove negative people  from your life.


There are 3 basic rules of life:

* Don't promise when you are happy.

* Don't reply when you are angy.

* Don't decide when you are sad.

Life is so beautiful, one day, one hour, one minute will never come again so just forget all your problems and be happy.


Saturday 10 June 2023

No one is permanent in life . Everyone comes for a particular period of time, so enjoy that phase of life.


 I asked life,

 Why are you so difficult?

Life smiled and said

People don't appreciate easy things.

Friday 9 June 2023

 Life is really nothing without LOVE and CARE

  Give it to everyone but don't expect it back. Because it's a feel not a deal.

Thursday 8 June 2023

Daily motivation.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get the chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Someone asked me  What is the meaning of life? I said Life itself has has no meaning, life is an opportunity to create a meaning.